Tuesday 29 January 2013

Pemantau Pilihanraya Rakyat Training

PEMANTAU Pilihanraya Rakyat Training
14:30 until 16:30

Bangunan PKK, Persisiran Sutera Danga 1, Sutera Utama, Skudai, Johor. (Next to Omega International School & SJK(C) Kuo Kuang 2)

If you are concerned about the election process, volunteer with Bersih 2.0 as an election observer for the upcoming 13th General Election (GE13). We aim to mobilise 10,000 citizens to be observers nationwide to ensure that we have a clean, free and fair 13th General Election.

Come for a 2-hour free training on 2nd February 2013 (Saturday) from 2.30pm.

SMS your NAME to register at 019-7575652 or register online at www.BersihJB.info.

Session in Eng/BM/Mandarin

诚邀您参与由净选盟主办的观察员培训课程,让你成为一个合格的选举观察员以杜绝肮脏的选举。22日,星期六,2.30-430pm,假五福城,Bangunan PKK,与欧美加国际学校同排。课程免费,欢迎集体报名,详情请浏览www.bersihjb.info